Author: Dr Schwarz

Is My Son Mean

The fact that you are asking this is already a good sign. Sometimes no matter how many times they are told, or what a teacher says, parents want to think the problem is the...

Dealing with Divorce

How do you help you your children understand different rules and expectations at their father’s than at your home. There are really two issues here, some that are general to divorce and some specific...

Planning for College

Question: “Our family is entering a period of financial crisis. My daughter is a junior in high school. How do I talk to her about what’s happening, and how it will affect the way...

Putting Things in Perspective

This is a good question because you both do and don’t want her to see the big picture. First of all, her gymnastics class is important to her and missing it matters to her....

Summer Camp?

There are many incredibly disruptive and upsetting aspects of the Covid situation. Two that go hand in hand are what children are missing and uncertainty, because not only are they missing many important events,...

The First Question!

Identify your concernAn important thing to address is what is the concern. Are you afraid William will get in trouble with their teacher? Will the other kids make fun of him or will he...